Below you will find answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions.
If your question is not listed, please do not hesitate to contact us with your inquiry.
What is my dog’s day like when he/she is being boarded?”
The dogs stay in their own indoor/outdoor kennel run. Our kennel is heated and air-conditioned. We start early, the dogs are up and out for their first exercise and play groups before 7 a.m. After that it’s time for breakfast and a little quiet time while they digest breakfast. In the morning, our office is open between 9 and 10 AM for drop off and pick up. That is always an exciting time here as they dogs are saying hi and bye to their friends. Arriving dogs are put outside in the play yard immediately. That gives us time to finish our checking in process and setting the pup’s area up. After that they have 4 or 5 supervised play groups a day. We feed twice a day. Once in the morning around 8 and again before 5. Finally, it’s lights out around 7pm. The boarders are usually ready for a great nights sleep after their busy day in the kennel.
My dog needs to eat 3 times a day. Is that okay?”
Yes, no problem. There are a lot of dogs that eat 3 times a day and we are more than happy to accommodate them.
What vaccinations are required?”
All dogs need to be up to date on Rabies, Distemper combo: DHLPPC, and Bordetella.
How much do you charge?”
1 dog: $50 per day
Additional dogs from the same house & kenneled together: +$20 per dog/day
Do you charge by the night or the day?”
We charge by the day. If the dogs come in during our morning drop off of 9 to 10, the charge starts that first day. If the dog/dogs come in during the evening drop-off, the charges start the next day. In other words, if your dog is here all day, there is a charge.

What are your drop-off and pick-up hours?
Our office is open for drop off and pick up between 9 and 10 a.m. and between 5 and 6:30 p.m. You can arrive as early as 7 a.m. for morning drop-off if you let us know what time!
How far in advance do we need to book our dog’s reservation?
We are small, so the more advanced notice, the better. Generally, a few days or a week is enough notice, but for holidays, it could be a month or more. We do get cancellations, so call us!
How many dogs do you take care of at one time?
Our optimal number is 15! That usually gives us great groups for the play yard.
My dog doesn’t like other dogs. Can he still come for boarding?
Yes, the dogs all have their own areas when inside. If they don’t want to play with others, they go into the play yard alone or with us.

Can I bring my dog’s medication?
Of course! We don’t charge for giving medication. We consider that part of your dog’s daily care. We need to know what the medication is, what it’s for, and when to give it, so please bring the medication in its original container, or labeled really well.
What if my dog gets ill at home; can we still board her?
If your dog is ill, it needs to be checked out with your vet. If your vets assures you that it is not contagious, we will gladly take care of your dog. Basically, if your pup has any rashes, itching, sores, coughing, sneezing, bleeding, or anything seeping from any orifices, sudden lameness or shakiness, we will ask you to have your dog checked by your vet. If your vet says it’s okay, then we are okay too.
What happens if my dog needs veterinarian care while being boarded?
If it’s an emergency, we take your dog to your vet or a vet on call. We will contact you as soon as possible. If it is not an emergency, we will administer first aid and contact you. We will still bring your pup to the vet ASAP if the situation requires non-emergency vet attention.
Who is responsible for the vet bills if you bring my dog to the vets?”
You are. Most vets will bill their clients, but some do not and I will cover the bill. Then you are responsible for the charge when you pick up your dog.

How big are your kennel runs?”
Our kennel runs are 4X6 inside and 4X14 outside.
What is in the kennel with my dog?
The dogs have water accessible to them at all times. They also have beds and toys if they want them. All dogs have different bedding preferences and we always try to make them as comfortable as possible.
Can I bring my own dishes?
We have stainless steel dishes of all sizes, so there is no need. If you do want to we just as to please do not bring any glass or ceramics (breakable!) for safety reasons.
Can I bring my own food?”
Yes! Please bring it in the original container or label your container well with your dog’s name, feeding instructions and the type of food. If there is a recall of that food while your dog is here, we will stop feeding it and switch them to ours.
What if I don’t want to bring my dog’s food or what if I forget?”
We feed Bill Jack Select. That’s what we call our House Food. It is a moderately high-end chicken and rice-based dry food. The dogs love it. We have canned options as well but the brand can change.

Can we bring treats for our dog?”
Yes, especially if your dog is on a special diet. We always have lots of treats for snack time.
However, please long chew items such as raw hides/pigs ears/yak sticks/etc at home.
My dog is on a raw diet. Do you have refrigerator/freezer space for all his food?”
Yes, we do. Please pack it in portioned sizes and already frozen. (but it is not necessary!) We are happy to thaw it out as we need it.
What else can I bring to the kennel?”
Just about anything, including the couch. (This has actually happened.) However, keep in mind that we have everything that your dog might need while they are here. Some things owners bring include: beds, t-shirts, toys, dog coats, dishes, etc. Please do not bring anything that we can’t wash or that is expensive and/or irreplaceable. We have a tendency to wash everything with a little bleach, so if we can ruin it, please leave it home.
My dog is a picky eater; what if he/she doesn’t eat while being boarded?”
We can usually entice your dog to eat by adding a bit of canned food or broth!

Is someone on the premises 24/7?
Someone is always here overnight. The kennel is attached to my house! In fact, my bedroom is practically over the kennel, so if someone whines, I hear it. We run errands during the middle of the day, so there might be a short period of time that no human is here mid-day.
Do we pay when we drop the dog/dogs off or when we return?”
You pay for all charges at the end of your dog’s stay.
Do you accept credit cards?
Unfortunately, we do not. We accept checks or cash only.
What is your cancellation policy?
We do not have a cancellation policy. We just ask you to call and let us know you won’t be coming!
What if I’m missing personal items after we return home from our visit?
We do our best to keep everything that came with your dog. Still, sometimes we lose things. The pups trade, borrow and hide their stuff sometimes, but it usually turns up. Please let us know asap if you are missing something and we will do our best to return it to you.
Do you want to meet our dog before boarding?
While we do think you should see the kennel before boarding your dog, we don’t think it’s a good idea to bring your dog along. If something scars him in the few minutes that he’s here to “check it out,” it can cause him to feel concerned when his boarding date arrives. We want every experience at the Kennel to be positive and fun!